The Complete Kickstart
Transformation Program Includes:

I designed this custom-tailored coaching program to help you begin your journey to a healthier, happier, and more balanced life! My multidimensional and bio-individual approach to lifestyle coaching connects nutritional, physical, emotional, hormonal and spiritual aspects of a well-balanced life to help you achieve a broader perspective on health, nutrition, and lifestyle and help you thrive while supporting your health transformation journey and beyond. Below are the different lifestyle modalities and coaching programs I offer:

Personalized 1:1 Macros & Nutrition Coaching

Ultimate food freedom is just a step away. Discover the power of personalized nutrition plans that align with your unique body and health goals. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all diets, and embrace a nourishing, sustainable, and enjoyable way of eating. Quality food is medicine for life!

Personalized 1:1 Strength Training Coaching

Your training & fitness plan is designed to meet YOU at your current level. Whether you’re a beginner or getting back to fitness from a break, together we create a strategy to help you achieve your goals and unlock your body’s full potential.

Overeating & Emotional Eating 1:1 Coaching

As a former food addict, I am here to help you break free from overeating & emotional eating with a personalized coaching approach. You will discover a healthier relationship with food, learn mindfulness techniques to manage emotional triggers and achieve sustainable, balanced eating habits.

Hormonal & Gut Health Balancing 1:1 Coaching

Our hormones change when we approach midlife. This module is designed to help you achieve hormonal harmony and vitality, and optimize gut health for overall well-being while guiding and supporting you on your unique health journey.

Mindset & Mindfulness 1:1 Coaching

Mindset can sometimes make us or break us. In this module, you will learn how to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset, and harness the power of mindfulness for inner peace.

Community Support from Like-Minded Women

This journey isn’t about going it alone. It’s about coming together as a tribe that understands the challenges and celebrates your victories. The camaraderie of your teammates provides the motivation, encouragement, and sense of belonging you need to reach your goals.

Weekly 1:1 Video Check-ins With Me

The personalized 1:1 sessions provide guidance and accountability as we closely monitor progress, provide guidance, and tailor your plan to your specific needs and goals. It’s like having a BFF who’s always by your side, helping you stay on track and achieve the results you desire.

Monthly Group Calls with Teammates

The best part of this experience is forging lasting connections throughout your journey and beyond. The strength of this community is irreplaceable when pursuing your health, wellness and weight loss goals. Lean into it.

Weekly Workshops Managing Your Lifestyle

Some of the topics we cover during our weekly workshops range from mindset topics, strength training elements, emotional eating, hormonal health, etc. Some weeks we may have guests who help us gain perspective and inspiration to keep going.

Why Work With Me?

My Expectations: Your commitment and devotion to YOURSELF and as a result, to the program.

I was an entrepreneur. I founded multple businesses. I coached & mentored dozens of employees. I helped Fortune 100 brands develop marketing strategies and produced award-winning campaigns. I won dozens of business awards. I gave birth to 2 beautiful children.

And I was hopelessly obese.

At 5’3”, I weighed over 210lbs. And I couldn’t figure out the secret to losing weight AND maintaining it. I tried every diet out there. Keto, Atkins, Juice Cleanses, diet pills, vegan, vegetarian, you name it. I always lost some weight. But then it came back with a vengeance. Not only did I gain the weight I had lost, but I double gained 2x as much. It was a vicious cycle.

I couldn’t understand how someone who worked so hard, was fairly intelligent and resourceful, COULD NOT figure out my own body. Only when I realized, my problem wasn’t physical, that I finally broke free from the weight gain/loss rollercoaster.

And I am here to share that knowledge with you.This is a natural lifestyle transformation kickstart program. No drugs. No diet pills. No gimmicks. No restrictions. We work together to figure out what works for YOU. It requires dedication and a fierce commitment to improving your health – mind, body and soul. And it is my obsession. Helping you gives me joy and purpose beyond anything I have experienced in 47 years.

Are you In?

Client Achievements

Community & Client Love

Nataya Wachtel

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
THOR is heaven on earth thank you Terry! Transformation if possible even at a micro level and this is the place where it happens!

Tami Shuman

In-Person Coaching at THOR Retreat
There was not 1 second, during the entire retreat experience, from the airport pickup to the in-person strength coaching to the time I left, did I feel uncomfortable. Everything was magical from start to end. I can't wait to come back!

Lizzie & Ella Wachtel Jones

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
You are an amazing person! #SlayAllDay You are a kind and funny person. You are beautiful inside AND out!

Tami Benz Shuman

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for your hospitality and amazing time!

Leila Zari

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Truely an experience of joy and elation! So many laughts and smiles. Enlightening, opening excursion which connected me to more of my soul, family and aligned me back to myself and purpose! P.S. Sexy Waterfalls! Terry is amazing, Robin is the best cook!

Gabriella Espinosa

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
An empowering weekend - feeling nourished on so many levels! Thank you for sharing your strength, warmth and knowledge!


In-Person Coaching at THOR Retreat
I had such an amazing experience, its actually been life changing for me!

Lari Johnson

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
So glad for this opportunity.  Terry is so personable. Enjoyed the other guests so much. Positive and inspirational experience.

Laura Weinrich

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for sharing the magic of your gorgeous mountains with all of us. I feel so relaxed and inspired.

Vicki Bierlein

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
I hoped to reset my fitness routing & be inspired to practice yoga again.  I feel energized, renewed, enlightened and full of gratitude for Terry, Laura, Robin and my fellow retreat mates.  I will take this experience with me and pray my travels bring me back someday to THOR. I learned something from everyone!

Susan Frattini

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
I feel so grateful to be taking part in this retreat weekend, surrounded by the beautiful mountains.  A shout out to Terry for lending us through this terrific experience!

Amy Schmitt

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Fun, beautiful, amazing and fabulous sums up every minute of my experience.  The host, the guests, activities, food and the community. Thank You!

Carol Mchaurin

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
THOR is a perfect setting to start or deepen your wellness adventure. If you don't like to make new friends and have fun, this is NOT the place for you.  My big takeaway from my first visit, (yes, I'll be back) "Every exercise is a full body exercise" Coach TT

Jada Ramhofer

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for the opportunity to relax, reconnect, and be the best version of myself.  Good luck with everything - follow your dream. xoxo

Laura Ike

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
This was the perfect getaway for me. The house, the food, the yoga, the comraderie were all fantastic.  I plan to bring my family at some point to enjoy the fantastic views with me. Thank you!

Alison Hershene

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for everything Terry! You have created a magical place, given a magical experience, and it will stay with me for sure! Can't wait to come back and see it all evolve!!

Tina Shannon

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you so much for an incredible and relaxing weekend filled with adventure, connection and great conversation.  I will be thinking about these views for a long time. THOR is a very special place and so are the wonderful women who it attracts. I hope to come back soon!

Jo Jarred

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for an amazing weekend! What a cute house and town to host this even in!

Kristine Ulrich

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
This was a wonderful experience! I enjoyed the yoga, the view and the company!!

Pam Raunhofer

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for a wonderful relaxing great yoga and yummy desserts experience! Good luck in your continuing endeavor.

Taylor Parker

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you so much for the great yoga, food and relaxation!

Melinda Wilson

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for being a thoughtful host and guide in this delightful stop in my ongoing wellness journey.  I appreciate the "everything" view, hiks, excellent and abundant food, deeply spiritual yoga, friendly guests - including the dog!

Tina Hof

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry what a joy to visit this mountain retreat.  Great food, great ladies, great yoga and workout. Thank you!

Kirsten Towers

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry, Noelle, and Robin are three powerful, nurturing, fierce (and soft of heart), informed, informative, well formed:), and just fabulous women.  Obviously the location is magical (despite the terrifying driveway!!), but I would seek them out anywhere.  Absolutely recommend the hike to Conasagua Falls.  Loved the whole experience!

Mariel Ojeda

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you for such an amazing experience. Much needed. Loved everything!

The Argos

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
What a beautiful name and setting for our family to meet and celebrate the New Year. Also, Robin and Tracy were absolutely wonderful in helping us with our every need. Thank you, Terr. We will be back!!!

Dianne Marecek

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Thank you so much for letting us experience your wonderful home and providing the tools to take with us as we set out on our own.  Your team is amazing and the passion you have is contagious. I hope to be back on day! 🙂

Joy Cohen

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry, thank you for creating this magical and welcoming space for connection and recharge. Your warmth and passion is evident in everything you do. You have cultivated a beautiful community.  I hope to find my way back here sooner than later. Anyone in this crowd could adopt me, I'd be thrilled!

Tina Goyal

Weight Loss Transformation & In-Person Coaching Client
I wanted to give a shoutout to Terry for helping me transform and lose over 20 pounds. I struggled with excess weight, which comes with high blood pressure, miscarriage from hypothyroidism, and hormone imbalances - all from not eating well, exercising and caring enough for my health and fitness. I was only 124 pounds in my mid to late 20’s and then after in mid to late 30’s I was above 167 pounds. Which brought in all types of health issues. I had a few difficult years - having older parents and a new baby to take care of. In addition to that, I decided to pull up all my energy and go to grad school for my MBA to get my career on track and unfortunately had a bad experience which added to losing my confidence to rock bottom. While I was going through all this, I was stress-eating and gaining weight. Terry who is my neighbor and friend for the past 15 years, went through similar issues and when I saw her going through the journey of being overweight and transitioning into a healthy and beautifully fit person --- her dedication to fitness and macro food, and her entire routine made me take the first step to start working on my own fitness goals. Terry helped me every step of this wellness journey. I call her my therapist, nutritionist, fitness instructor and life coach! She guided me with patience and perseverance. I had never lifted weights - she helped me accomplish my overall goal to a healthy mind and body. Today I have no high blood pressure, I lost over 20 pounds (154 to 133), I’m able to eat what I like and make sure my family also eats nutritious macro-friendly food. We have misconceptions that macros diet is going to be difficult and bland -- but that is not true. You can make it what you like and what fits your lifestyle. Portion it right and you can continue to eat whatever you prefer - not just salads. Combine the way you cook with macros so that you enjoy every meal. Terry guided me through all this step by step. Her experience and guidance helped me create well-balanced meals that I truly enjoyed while losing one pound a week. I would never have taken this path if I had seen Terry’s transformation. And I would have never achieved my goals in fitness, nutrition and shedding the extra pounds if Terry had not coached me with her technique. What I loved most is that she works one-on-one with you - not one size fits. All is truly individualized to you!  

Anne-Marie Packwood

Weight Loss Transformation Client
Terry, I love you so much and have learned so much from you and appreciate your help and guidance more than I can express.

Vicki & Dianne

In-Person Training Client

We are doing great Terry. I hope all is well with you! Both Dianne and I are counting macros and drinking ginger shots each day. I’ve resumed daily ashtanga yoga and Dianne is doing some weight training. I even bought a Ninja and made frozen yogurt. LOL. I cannot thank you enough for inspiring these positive changes. Best wishes on your upcoming retreats, I truly hope to return to THOR sometime next year. Best, Vicki

Karen Putman

Weight Loss Transformation Client
Hi, my name is Karen and I'm 63. I started training with Terry last August and have already lost 17.4 lbs. In our last chat, Terry and I were discussing that I have been on a diet for almost 6 months. It took me by surprise because I haven't felt like it's been a diet. Learning macros hasn't seemed like diets of my past. Weight training has been a rewarding adventure and I'm looking forward to what 2024 brings.

Joy Cohen

In-Person THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry is an incredible host and leader - exceptionally friendly and accommodating, and clearly passionate about holistic health and creating a welcoming space for women.

Vicki Bierlein

THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry welcomed us with open arms, she is an inspiration and the heart and soul of THOR. I highly recommend the one-on-one weight training with her. I learned so much. This was a fantastic experience, full of laughter, love, and meaningful conversations. Thank you!

Susan Frattini

In-Person THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry was very helpful in teaching us about diet and nutrition, as well as making us all feel very welcome. It was a pleasure to meet like minded women and share our yoga practice and outdoor adventures together.

Tonya Ross

In-Person THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
When you get here, you truly find your tribe of like-minded people. I have been inspired to go home and continue my journey.

Laura Weinrich

THOR Women's Wellness Retreat Guest
Terry, thank you again for hosting such a wonderful experience. And it was wonderful to connect with both Gabriella and Lari.  Noelle, thank you for making the yoga accessible for me.

Gabriella Espinosa

In-Person THOR Wellness Retreat Guest
Back home in 100 degrees Houston & so grateful to each of you for sharing your unique gifts and warmth. Feeling pumped to dial up my fitness journey and lift heavier. I will be back! ⁨Lari, waiting for you in Austin & @Laura, looking forward to learning more about HD! Have a wonderful week!

Kirsten T.

In-Person THOR Yoga Retreat Guest
Terry is focused, warm, informative, and inspiring. Thank you for an incredible fitness & wellness experience.

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You Didn’t Come This Far, Just To Quit Now!

Schedule Your 1:1 Coaching Consultation

We are not here to lose! We are here to gain!
Here is What You Can Expect:

What are your qualifications?

Before I started coaching, I was a software engineer and business owner. I have an innate curiosity for improving anything and an attention to fine detail.  When I discovered bodybuilding over 5 years ago, I was immediately drawn to the process of optimizing the body – just like I would with software code or a computer system. I quickly discovered that our body is just like a machine. We have a lot more control over it than we imagine if we understand how it works. My professional qualifications include:

  • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
  • ISSA Certified Nutritionist
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certified Hormone & Gut Health Coach
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certified Emotional Eating Coach
  • Quantum Biology of Trauma Course with Dr. Catherine Clinton
  • TWW Alumni Coached by Michelle McDonald, CSCS
  • Currently coached by Jean-Jacques Barrett, CSCS
  • Clean Health Mentorship Program
  • 5 Years Experience w/ Macro Nutrition & Weight Training Starting as a Complete Beginner

How is this different from every other diet I’ve tried?

This is not a diet. It is a complete lifestyle transformation program that incorporates aspects of fitness, mobility, proper nutrition, emotional well-being, mindset, biohacking, hormone health and habit development. The combination of these modalities result in reduced stress, less body fat, increased strength and mental resilience.

How often do we communicate?

We communicate in multiple ways

  • Daily via our training hub, WhatsApp and Text Message. 
  • Weekly on our 1:1 Video Calls
  • Weekly on our team calls
  • Monthly on our team calls

What type of equipment do I need?

You can start with various dumbbells and resistance bands and progress over time to barbells and other equipment.

Can I do the workouts from home?


Do I need a gym membership?

If you prefer to work out at a gym, a membership is recommended but it is not necessary.

Do I have to meal prep?

Yes. All clients receive meal prepping & meal planning coaching and individualized macros per meal.

Do you do in-person coaching?

Yes, You can train with me in person or at one of our immersive retreat experiences. You can see available dates here.

Do I have to stop drinking alcohol?

A reduction or elimination of alcohol is recommended. See article here.

How long do the workouts take?

Workouts are 4-5 times per week and last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Do you provide a meal plan?

You do receive an example meal plan, to help you better understand macros. However, you have the freedom to create your own meals based on your personal preferences. I will help you plan and strategize on how to put everything together based on your macros.

What is the cost of the program?

Pricing is based on how many coaching modules you are interested in receiving. Please schedule a call so I can learn more about what your needs are and we can discuss how everything works.

Find out about our next VIP retreat:

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