Resources & Stories

Jun, 2024

Guest Podcast: Women’s Fitness Education

Terry Shares her amazing transformation; losing 36kgs (80 pounds)  in her mid 40s after battling weight gain and many health issues in her late 30s.  She felt so empowered taking control of her health, and her life, when she decided to make the changes she needed to lose the weight. This transformational journey not only improved her health, it also helped Terry find her purpose, which prompted a career change that she had never expected.  She now absolutely loves helping other women achieve what she has.  Such and inspiring chat with a beautiful soul.

Jul, 2024

Maximize Glute Gains through Hip Thrust Essentials

While new fitness trends are popping up regularly, hip thrusts are one exercise that has carved out a place for itself in lower body training days across a broad spectrum of fitness levels. Hip thrusts appeal to both seasoned lifters and fitness enthusiasts for their effectiveness in strengthening the glutes. Their apparent simplicity also attracts […]

Jun, 2024

Complete Guide to Deadlifting for Improved Strength and Performance

Valued for its simplicity and the raw power it demands, the deadlift is a straightforward gym exercise embraced by a variety of athletes. Drawing a diverse crowd, including CrossFitters, powerlifters, bodybuilders, and those just starting out, few exercises garner as much consensus as the deadlift. However, even experienced lifters find value in enhancing their knowledge […]

May, 2024

The Gender Divide: How Intermittent Fasting Affects Men and Women Differently

Intermittent fasting, a method of eating that alternates between periods of fasting and eating, is gaining popularity as a tool for health management. Yet, it impacts both sexes differently, improving metabolic health in men but often disrupting metabolic and hormonal responses in women. Other dietary approaches can also negatively impact women, including those focused on restricting calories, animal or plant-based sources, entire food groups, or specific foods.

Apr, 2024

Designing the Ultimate Home Gym: Blending Fitness with Wellness

Designing your home gym is about creating a space that fits your workout needs and personal style. It starts with choosing an optimal location in your home and continues as you customize the area and select equipment for strength, endurance, and flexibility exercises. Adding features like а nutrition and hydration station, sauna, and jacuzzi elevates […]

Mar, 2024

Nutritional Deficiencies and Emotional Cravings Addressing Hidden Hungers in Women Over 40

Cravings in women over 40 are often dismissed as emotional eating. Mood fluctuations during peri- and menopause are commonly blamed for seeking comfort in food; yet, a lack of essential nutrients could be another significant cause. When the body lacks specific nutrients, it triggers cravings to correct these imbalances. Acknowledging that these cravings may actually […]

Feb, 2024

Yoga and Emotional Balance: the Science Behind Stress Reduction and Decreased Emotional Eating

Stress and eating habits share a complex relationship. Stress depletes energy because the body uses up resources to handle the stressor. Consequently, the body seeks high-fat, high-sugar foods to replenish these depleted resources. With this energy boost, the body becomes more equipped to manage stress, and this results in a drop in cortisol levels. Yet, […]

Jan, 2024

Alcohol’s Hidden Role in Weight Gain

A staple in social gatherings and quiet evenings alike, alcohol is more than just a beverage that alters mood and behavior temporarily. It is a substance that carries a range of effects on the body, from increasing the body’s caloric intake to affecting hormones that support metabolism. These effects of alcohol are subtle in their […]

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